Two out of every three people you meet will be in ZANU-PF regalia- Rugeje

The Zimbabwe African National Union- Patriotic Front national political commissar Engelbert Rugeje says his party has ordered 15 million T-shirts, 15 million caps and two million wrappers for women and will be dishing them out so that every party member should have at least three caps and three T-shirts.

“We want to paint the country with our regalia such that out of every three people you meet, two will be in ZANU-PF party regalia,” he was quoted by the Chronicle as saying.

He said the party will be launching its manifesto next week, on 14 April and people should be geared for the elections.

The date for the elections has not yet been announced but they should be held between 21 July and 21 August.

President Emmerson Mnangagwa has indicated that they will be held in July and is keen to hold elections as the world is waiting for their outcome to determine whether or not to invest in the country.

He has to proclaim them at the end of this month if they are to be held by 23 July or latest on 8 July if they will be held just before his term expires.

Rugeje said the party no longer tolerated slogans that were not progressive.

“We no longer tolerate party slogans that say Pasi nanhingi. Party slogans must be progressive; they must promote unity and development. We want to preach unity through our slogans because violence is not physical but can also be through utterances. Insulting someone through slogans will not be tolerated, let’s be focused on building our party,” he said.



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