Two bills to facilitate devolution to be tabled in Parliament before end of the year

Two bills to facilitate devolution to be tabled in Parliament before end of the year

Two bills to facilitate devolution, one which relates to financial provision and the other to the setting up of structures, will be tabled before the end of this year, Local Government Minister July Moyo told Parliament.

He could, however, not say what would happen to those elected to the provincial councils in 2013 and this year.

Those elected in 2013 were never sworn in and their term of office has technically expired.

“I think it is important for the Executive, for the Government, to tell us what is going to happen, if anything,” Mutare Central legislator Innocent Gonese said.

“If it is water under the bridge, let the Minister say so, instead of ducking and diving and avoiding the question.”

Moyo responded: “I honestly cannot answer that question and the Hon. Member knows that.  If the Hon. Member wants to put the question so that consultations can take place, so that I bring a comprehensive answer which is collective, I can do that, but I cannot answer that without instruction.”


HON. MAPHOSA asked the Minister of Local Government, Public Works and National Housing when provincial and metropolitan councils provided for in the Constitution of Zimbabwe will be operationalised.

THE MINISTER OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT, PUBLIC WORKS AND NATIONAL HOUSING (HON. J. G. MOYO): Thank you Mr. Speaker Sir. The Hon. Member is asking me when we will operationalise the Provincial and Metropolitan Councils and I assured Hon. Members when we were in Bulawayo that we are processing the Bill and we are doing it in tandem and as I have said Chapter 17 which relates to financial provision for devolution and which governs the metropolitan and provincial councils is being processed by the Minister of Finance and we are processing Chapter 14 which is setting up the institutions. Those Bills will be appearing before this august House before the end of the year as I have promised. Thank you.

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