Tsvangirai to be charged or is it just another crude joke?

The Tendai Biti faction of the Movement for Democratic Change says it is going to charge the leader of the main faction Morgan Tsvangirai with 17 counts of violating the party’s constitution, according to The Herald.

The spokesman for the Tsvangirai faction Douglas Mwonzora brushed off the move as a joke saying: “They have no jurisdiction to try the president. It is not different from ZANU-PF inviting Morgan Tsvangirai for a disciplinary hearing. They should just concentrate on themselves not to be obsessed with Mr Tsvangirai.”

Reports say the Biti faction, also known as the Renewal Team, has set the date for Tsvangirai’s hearing on 18 June.

The battle between the two factions could be messy as the Renewal Team claims Tsvangirai bulldozed the party into the inclusive government yet Biti and Elton Mangoma, both now expelled from the party and at the forefront of the Renewal Team, were the chief negotiators for the Tsvangirai faction.

The team also claims favouritism in the appointment of MDC-T ambassadors including that of Hebson Makuvire described as Tsvangirai’s nephew.

The Team also claims that Tsvangirai used state funds to pay for the lobola for Locardia Karimatsenga who prevented Tsvangirai from marrying Elizabeth Macheka in church because Tsvangirai was already married to her by customary law.

Tsvangirai reportedly paid her about US$200 000 in an out of court settlement raising eyebrows about where he got the money.



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