Tsvangirai says Mujuru and Mnangagwa are better than Mugabe

Movement for Democratic Change leader Morgan Tsvangirai says Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front leader Robert Mugabe should step down now and give way to a younger leader like Joice Mujuru or Emmerson Mnangagwa for the country to move forward. “We must set a clear direction where this country is going, an economic plan that will make industry and farms work. The issue in Zimbabwe is not economic but political; we need a political plan. No one is going to invest in a country with a 90-year-old leader. Mujuru or Mnangagwa are far much better than him. He must graciously retire now and leave this to others. Zvinotovanani,” he was quoted as saying. If quoted rightly, this is the first time that Tsvangirai has accepted that the current administration will run its full term. All along he has been calling for fresh elections arguing that the country can only get out of its economic quagmire through elections and a new mandate. ZANU-PF is holding its elective congress this year but some within the party are already saying Mugabe will stand unopposed. If Mugabe remains leader of the party, this means that a new leader will only be elected after the 2018 elections as the next ordinary congress will be in 2019.



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