Tsvangirai back at work

Movement for Democratic Change leader Morgan Tsvangirai is back at work according to his facebook page, and he says “it feels good to be back at work”. Tsvangirai has been ill for the past two weeks and there was a lot of media hype about this. Some media outlets claimed that he had a terminal illness and that he had sneaked out of a medical centre without paying his bill. When it transpired that he had paid the bill, which was more than US$4 000, they questioned why he did not have medical insurance. Tsvangirai was still confined to his home until Saturday according to another posting. He said he could not attend the funeral of liberation hero Dzino because of doctor’s orders: “Today they buried Dzino, a true hero of this country. I ought to have been there with the family and colleagues in the struggle but I had to follow the doctor’s advice to take a rest. Go well son of Zimbabwe. Rest in Peace, undisputed hero of the people’s struggle,” he wrote on his facebook page. Wilfred Mhanda, popularly known during the liberation struggle as Dzinashe Machingura, died on Wednesday last week and was buried on Saturday. Though he was at one time one of the senior commanders in the Zimbabwe African National Liberation Army, Machingura fell out with the ZANU-PF leadership just before independence because of his support for the Zimbabwe People’s Army which was supposed to have united the fighters of the ZANU and ZAPU.



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