Tshabangu to write SADC CCC has no problem with Mnangagwa

Tshabangu to write SADC CCC has no problem with Mnangagwa

The tug-of-war between Citizens Coalition for Change leader Nelson Chamisa and self-proclaimed interim secretary general Sengezo Tshabangu continues with Tshabangu saying he is writing to the Southern African Development Community to tell them that CCC has no problem with the Zimbabwe government.

Chamisa has refused to recognise President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s victory and is seeking fresh elections.

Posting on his X handle, Tshabangu said: “Fellow Patriotic, Democratic and United CCC members, I’ll soon  write to Sadc to tell them that as CCC we’ve no problem with our Zimbabwean Government and that we want to engage the Government for a  progressive and patriotic dialogue,aluta continúa.”

A number of people have urged Chamisa to talk to Tshabangu but Chamisa said he would rather talk to ZANU-PF than to its puppets.

Tshabangu says he is not being used by ZANU-PF but is fighting for constitutionalism and has vowed to deal with Chamisa for pretending that he does not know him.

Tshabangu recalled 15 Members of Parliament and 17 councillors. By-elections to fill those posts will be held on 9 December with nominations closing on 7 November.

Tshabangu has written to the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission that he and two others, Mbuso Siso and Jabulani Ncube, are the only people authorised to countersign nomination papers for candidates to the by-elections.



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