Traditional healers tell Met Office don’t play God

The Zimbabwe National Traditional Healers Association (ZINATHA) has told the Meteorological Services Department not to play God by predicting poor rains for the coming season.

According to The Chronicle, ZINATHA vice-chairperson Dorothy Gumede said rain should be asked for from God so no one should predict the unseen side of God’s universe.

 “We’ll ask for rain and it will fall,” Gumede said. “We’re totally against the meteorologists’ prediction. They’re wrong to predict that there’ll be drought.”

ZINATHA is holding a rainmaking ceremony at Komninindaba Cultural Village in Bulawayo on 26 September and believes the country will receive better rains in the coming season.

The Met Department insists that the early stages of the rainy season will be mostly characterised by poor rains, especially in the southern parts of the country. It has advised the government to plan for poor harvests.

“For now, we’re worried about the onset [of the rainy season],” Met director Amos Makarau told The Chronicle. “It should be noted that this is only an outlook. We’ll provide more details and updates in the coming days.”



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