Today’s fact of life#35

Philautia was originally likened to the love one holds for oneself, as well as looking after one’s own happiness or well-being. Funnily enough, this wasn’t always considered to be a highly valued form of love, and in fact was considered to be a moral flaw! People who practiced philautia were referred to as being vain, selfish, and egotistical. Throughout time, though, philautia has gained a better reputation and understanding. Gradually philautia, or self-love, began to grow as a concept that is not only good, but extremely beneficial for your mental health. The connection between self-love and mental health was first made by a psychologist in 1830, but didn’t take off until the 20th Century. Nowadays, self-love is considered to be a vitally important thing, and it’s commonly acceptable to take a day off just to look after yourself! When was the last time you had a self-love day? –



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