Three die as violence breaks out in Harare, Mnangagwa blames MDC Alliance

Three die as violence breaks out in Harare, Mnangagwa blames MDC Alliance

Zimbabwe Police today said three people were killed during disturbances that broke out in Harare this afternoon.

President Emmerson Mnangagwa laid the blame for the violence squarely on the Movement for Democratic Change Alliance leadership which he said should bear the cost of the damage caused.

Police also said they were asking Alliance partner Tendai Biti and youth leader Happymore Chidziva to report to the police to help with investigations.

Chidziva was one of the party leaders that warned that there would be havoc if Alliance leader Nelson Chamisa was not declared winner of the presidential elections.

The results of the presidential elections have not yet been announced but Chamisa has been claiming victory even before the elections.

The Alliance has lost dismally in the national assembly elections, where ZANU-PF garnered a two-thirds majority, but blames this on massive rigging.



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