241-Dell trashed Sipepa Nkomo’s enthusiasm on opening media space?
243-Why initial talks between MDC and ZANUPF broke down
244-Chissano told West democracy forced from outside would fail
245-MDC thought it could win 85 seats in 2005
246-Ncube disagrees with Tsvangirai on Mugabe
248-French thought the British were obsessed with Mugabe
249-MDC tried to lure expelled ZANU-PF politicians ahead of 2005 elections
251-Tsvangirai cancelled trip to Washington to avoid being labelled Bush’s boy
252-Dell brushed off rift between Tsvangirai and Ncube
253-MDC candidates face citizenship queries
254-How Zimbabwe implemented SADC guidelines on elections in 2005
255-What is success in Zimbabwe’s elections?
256-Tsvangirai said Mnangagwa was a spent force
257-ZANU-PF now a minority party
259-Tsvangirai told Dell that CIO had told him MDC had won over 90 seats
260-Makoni said Mugabe respected and liked self-made businesspersons
Continued next page