The Lovemore Moyo Wikileaks cables

Lovemore Moyo made history when he was elected Speaker of Parliament in August 2008, breaking the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front stranglehold over the past 28 years. Though he was acting chairman of the Movement for Democratic Change, Moyo was little known though he had played key roles in the formation of the Open Forum, Forum Party of Zimbabwe and Imbovhane Yamahlabezulu before joining the Movement for Democratic Change at its formation. There are 29 cables that mention his name. Here they are.

29-Coltart wanted civil society to be involved in constitution making

28-Researcher said Zuma is not different from Mbeki

27-MDC-T’s dwindling majority

26-US embassy said no one is keen on elections

25-Fire MPs or face corruption charges

24-Chinotimba failed to derail stakeholders meeting

23-Moyo said constitutional process would cost US$19 million

22-Moyo said ZANU-PF plan had been foiled

21-MDC ignored past wrongs for political expediency

20-Moyo elected substantive chairman of MDC

19-Moyo elected substantive chairman of MDC

18-Mutambara said Mugabe was the best leader Africa had produced

17-Who was who in the Parliamentary Select Committee?

16-Moyo’s primary aim was deZANUfication of society

15-Mugabe entered inclusive government to save himself

14-Tsvangirai payback for Bhebhe foiled

13-Diplomatic bungling

12-MDC MP convicted of forging nomination papers

11-Chamisa said Tsvangirai’s US advisor was a big problem

10-Parliament tied by delay in reaching agreement

9-Moyo lobbied Khama for help

8-Biti said Welshman Ncube betrayed him

7-Jonathan Moyo held balance of power

6-Four MPs loyal to Mujuru voted for Tsvangirai candidate

5-Who crossed to elect Moyo Speaker?

4-Mutambara MPs were ready to ditch candidate a week before elections

3-Lovemore Moyo brought into talks to break impasse

2-Tsvangirai’s Restore Hope Campaign

1-No room for life presidents in Zimbabwe-Tsvangirai



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