The Jonathan Moyo Wikileaks dossier

Jonathan Moyo has courted controversy from the time he was at the University of Zimbabwe, when he moved to the Ford Foundation in Kenya, when he joined the Wits University in South Africa, when he joined the Zimbabwe government, when he left to become an independent Member of Parliament, when he rejoined ZANU-PF and of course when Wikileaks released its diplomatic cables.

There are 226 cables that mention his name. Here they are:


226-Jonathan Moyo completes phoenix-like return to ZANU-PF

225-US embassy says Mugabe is the glue that holds ZANU-PF together

224-MDC had no plan B

223-Gorden Moyo says without Mugabe there would be chaos

222-Jonathan Moyo back in familiar territory

221-Mutasa says Jonathan Moyo is an asset to ZANU-PF

220-Jonathan Moyo rejoins ZANU-PF

219-Researcher says Zuma is not different from Mbeki

218-Jonathan Moyo attacks Tsvangirai

217-Moyo calls for investigation of USAID operations in Zimbabwe

216-Rare week in Harare

215-Biti says “Tsvangirai’s idiocy is shocking”

214-Jonathan Moyo holds balance of power

213-Mai Mujuru tried to outmanoeuvre Mnangagwa during unity talks

212-Trevor Ncube says the MDC is unstrategic and arrogant

211-How the US viewed the MDC victory in 2008

210-MDC says Tsvangirai won presidential poll

209-Simba Makoni or Jonathan Moyo-who was responsible for postponement of nomination date?

208-Gono and Grace discuss Mugabe’s future

207-No one gave the MDC a chance in 2008

206-Masiyiwa says Jonathan Moyo and Ibbo Mandaza are former CIO

205-Behind the scenes in the run-up to the 2008 elections

204-Why no one in ZANU-PF is challenging Mugabe

203-Bennett “over the moon” with Tsvangirai’s leadership

202-Mugabe named Mnangagwa his successor in 2007!

201-Trevor Ncube thoroughly disgusted with MDC

200-Mandaza says the MDC is fractured, weak and irrelevant

199-Richard Branson funded elders to talk Mugabe out of power

198-Make a plan-that’s how Zimbabweans survived the crisis

197-US ambassador concedes that Jonathan Moyo is a shrewd analyst

196-Jonathan Moyo says Mandela asked Mugabe to step down in 2007

195-Mugabe fears hanging if he leaves office

194-Zvobgo Jnr and Jonathan Moyo differ on future of VP Mujuru

193-Coltart says the goal is to unseat ZANU-PF in any way possible

192-Moyo disappointed by Mnangagwa’s lack of courage

191-Death of Jokonya a sign that old generation is leaving the scene

190-Shumba forms political party

189-Jonathan Moyo says Mnangagwa is too loyal to Mugabe

188-Mugabe rigid, defiant, isolated

187-Trevor Ncube says Zimbabwe is being led by “clowns and bozos”

186-Was Trevor Ncube used by Jonathan Moyo to tarnish Financial Gazette?

185-Mbalekwa says Jonathan Moyo is in the executive of UPM

184-Mudzingwa says Tsvangirai won’t compromise

183-Jonathan Moyo says both ZANU-PF and MDC are in disarray

182-US view on the ZANU-PF succession battle

181-Zvobgo says Mugabe’s departure will trigger uncertainty, national relief

180-Tsvangirai says MDC leaders stage arrests to show courage

179-ZANU-PF uses parliamentary majority to amend constitution

178-US official says Jonathan Moyo is a political chameleon

177-Jonathan Moyo becomes part of a Third Force

176-MDC seeks “continued” US Support

175-US considered adding Jonathan Moyo’s daughters on sanctions list

174-Mugabe, rumoured to be dead, opens parliament

173-Jokonya a breath of fresh air after Jonathan Moyo

172-Botswana celebrated Jonathan Moyo’s departure from government

171-ZANU-PF surprises everyone including itself

170-MDC robbed again

169-Bulawayo mayor says MDC would win 70 seats “if it fails completely”

168-Who is Auntie Blair?

167-Moyo says ZANU-PF is a party of tribalists with no direction

166-MDC MPs on why Mugabe was more tolerant in 2005

165-How Zimbabwe implemented SADC guidelines on elections in 2005

164-Moyo stands as an independent and is fired from ZANU-PF

163-MDC MPs admit support for party is more of opposition to ZANU-PF

162-Dabengwa, Lesabe knew Jonathan Moyo was finished in ZANU-PF

161-More trouble for Jonathan Moyo

160-CFU says plight of white farmers is improving

159-Mnangagwa beat Mujuru in 2004 but Mugabe rejected the results- Wikileaks

158-Gono says he was responsible for Jonathan Moyo’s demise

157-Chinamasa and Jonathan Moyo on their way out because of Tsholotsho?

156-Mnangagwa Zimbabwe’s Gorbachev!

155-Shamuyarira scores another victory against Jonathan Moyo!

154-Zimbabweans still have confidence in the judicial system

153-ZANU-PF desperate to repair relations with US

152-Dell trashes Sipepa Nkomo’s enthusiasm on opening media space?

151-Mnangagwa says MDC has a habit of changing its mind at 11th hour

150-Nkomo and Jonathan Moyo spar over multiple farm ownership

149-Mutasa and Mugabe differ with Mnangagwa and Chinamasa on elections

148-Gono says Jonathan Moyo has become a liability

147-Mutasa not afraid of international press

146-Tribune shut down

145-Government living in fantasyland

144-Fears as government announces intent to nationalise land

143-Who is paying for Mugabe’s Borrowdale home?

142-US ambassador says John Nkomo is too timid to assert himself

141-Gono laughs off Made’s crop forecasts

140-Zimbabwe’s growing list of enemies

139-Future of Daily News remains in limbo

138-Daily News staff on Jonathan Moyo’s payroll!

137-Makoni says Mugabe is not interested in accommodating MDC but crushing it

136-Studio 7 stringers fired

135-Cabinet reshuffle shows power of hardliners and military- Wikileaks

134-Mnangagwa used state funds to finance succession campaign!

133-US ambassador says ZANU-PF is suspicious of US motives

132-Did Chiyangwa outburst help Daily News?

131-Government was desperate ahead of 2005 elections

130-Econet in the clear

129-Chiyangwa arrest details

128-Two blows to the independent media

127-Chiyangwa arrested

126-Jonathan Moyo shutters Daily News again

125-Muzenda wanted Zvinavashe to replace him- Wikileaks

124-Government makes it easier to acquire land

123-US embassy says attack on Studio 7 ends up as advertorial

122-Gono did not want RBZ job- Wikileaks

121-Mugabe an impossible nut for US to crack

120-MDC presidential election challenge hearing starts

119-Mugabe joins Jonathan Moyo and Made in blame game

118-Gono turning a blind eye on cheating exporters

117-Editors fall for Studio 7

116-SA ambassador says Mugabe told Annan he was ready to step down

115-Supreme Court clips Jonathan Moyo’s wings

114-Jonathan Moyo threatens to shut down Studio 7

113-Editor says Jonathan Moyo acting on Mugabe’s instructions

112-Government closes Daily News

111-Jonathan Moyo sends NGOs panicking

110-Gandi Mudzingwa says the MDC does not have anybody beyond Tsvangirai

109-Daily News group sues Jonathan Moyo for $58 million

108-Jonathan Moyo blasts US over Studio 7

107-Why Mugabe did not want to talk to Tsvangirai

106-Jonathan Moyo says people are tired of MDC lies and hallucinations

105-Mugabe succession elusive

104-Herald says MDC antics are childish and laughable

103-Media reaction to George Bush’s visit to Africa

102-Mugabe puts US on the defensive

101-Jonathan Moyo says Pius Ncube is busy preaching tribalism

100-AIPPA tops the agenda

99-Jonathan Moyo not yet manipulating inflation figures

98-US embassy says government lied to them

97-Supreme Court nullifies section of AIPPA

96-Repressive laws up for amendment

95-Makoni says dismissal of Mudzuri work of Gang of Four

94-Stay-away a success

93-Land audit hall of shame?

92-US ambassador says Makoni is a breath of fresh air

91-Gono offered tax-evasion assistance to exporters while at CBZ?

90-US upset by Obasanjo’s letter about Zimbabwe

89-CFU says Moyo not Made calling the shots on land issue

88-Banker says Chinamasa, Made, Moyo and Chombo are enriching themselves

87-Herald refuses to apologies for chain of “lies”

86-Government tries to use farmers to ease sanctions

85-Jonathan Moyo says Daily News is operating illegally

84-Government tried to get Vatican to force Pius Ncube to retire?

83-Daily News challenges AIPPA

82-US ambassador says very few resettled farmers are actually farming

81-US ambassador threatens Zimbabwe after farm seizure

80-Parirenyatwa doubted Zimbabweans could find a solution to their crisis

79-Midlands: the model in land redistribution

78-Government cracks down on NGOs

77-Government stops food aid to Insiza

76-MP says Mugabe wanted to step down in 2001 but was urged to stay on

75-Delta financing its own interests while appearing benevolent

74-Jonathan Moyo says Zimbabwe is not a banana republic

73-Human rights activist arrested for publishing falsehoods

72-Mugabe rewards loyalty not competence

71-Mugabe, Jonathan Moyo rap the West

70-Jonathan Moyo says British government has gone bananas

69-Local journalists challenge AIPPA

68-Nyarota sues Jonathan Moyo for $6 million

67-New media law demands sensitive corporate information

66-Lawyer says Mugabe wanted to control professional workers

65-Chakaodza says Jonathan Moyo has lost the plot

64-American journalist charged under AIPPA

63-Government appoints media and information commission

62-Jonathan Moyo says retrenchments at ZBC will boost morale

61-Chakaodza says Jonathan Moyo is in for a surprise

60-Journalists under pressure as Supreme Court says constitutional challenge of AIPPA is not urgent

59-Jonathan Moyo says Daily News journalists are common criminals

58-Daily News under siege

57-US accused of coordinating terror campaign in Zimbabwe!

56-Jonathan Moyo and Nyarota spar for a fight

55-MDC disputes poll results, rejects GNU

54-MDC leaders planned to go into exile after presidential poll

53-ZANU-PF campaign of intimidation pays off

52-AIPPA passed

51-Journalists arrested for demonstrating against AIPPA

50-Obasanjo promised Tsvangirai he would urge Mugabe to step down

49-Mnangagwa tells US ambassador about his disdain for Jonathan Moyo

48-UNDP rep says ZANU-PF is on a suicidal path

47-Finance permsec resigned to ZANU-PF machinations

46-Jonathan Moyo describes ZIDERA as “tempest in a teapot”

45-Mugabe to have an unhappy exit

44-Jonathan Moyo fighting terrorism

43-Sikhanyiso Nlodvu’s college burnt by MDC supporters

42-Sikhanyiso Ndlovu says Border Gezi was uneducated and immature

41-US portrays itself as defender of justice in Zimbabwe rather than dictator

40-Jonathan Moyo blasts MISA

39-Jonathan Moyo says election observers are no different from tourists

38-Tsvangirai confident he would win presidential elections

37-Jonathan Moyo says violence begets violence

36-SA ambassador says Jonathan Moyo is not good friends with the truth

35-Jonathan Moyo, Chombo and Mahofa dishing out cash at rallies

34-Mugabe says US is trying to rule Zimbabwe by remote control

33-Fingaz says Jonathan Moyo will not succeed in silencing media

32-Jonathan Moyo says ZIDERA is a racist piece of legislation

31-How to get accreditation as a foreign journalist in Zimbabwe

30-Government bans BBC

29-Government tightens political noose

28-How to get Mugabe to step down

27-Jonathan Moyo unmoved by MDC victory in Masvingo

26-MDC scores major legal victory

25-Rare dissent in ZANU-PF

24-Herald editor spills the beans about Jonathan Moyo’s interference

23-US judge describes Jonathan Moyo as “Goebbels reincarnated”

22-Jonathan Moyo will never be anything more than Mugabe’s man

21-Masiyiwa and Chanakira take over Daily News

20-Zvobgo says Jonathan Moyo has struck thunder into ZANU-PF MPs

19-Mugabe so unpopular that he needs 250 000 to canvass for him

18-How Jonathan Moyo started muzzling the press

17-Jonathan Moyo, Chinamasa pile pressure on judges

16-MDC challenges Mugabe decree

15-ZANU-PF upbeat after winning Bikita West by-election

14-Jonathan Moyo friends with Justice Chidyausiku

13-Zvobgo says Mugabe is now a majority of one in ZANU-PF

12-Jonathan Moyo linked to Inyika Trust

11-Jonathan Moyo puts pressure on chief judge to resign

10-Supreme Court orders government to stop land acquisitions

9-Delta boss planned deal to enable government to buy up 400 farms

8-Jonathan Moyo becomes Mugabe’s hatchet man

7-Capital confusion

6-Government shuts down private radio station

5-Farmer attacked with machete by war veteran

4-Confusion over farm evictions

3-Moyo versus Moyo

2-Cabinet split four weeks after getting into office

1-US was worried about Jonathan Moyo from the word go



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