The complete Lovemore Madhuku Wikileaks cables

Law professor Lovemore Madhuku has been at the helm of the National Constitutional Assembly since 2001. He had been vice-president from 1997. Madhuku had to get the constitution of the organisation amended in 2006 to allow him to contest as leader and now he is thinking of turning the organisation into a political party and will probably lead it. There are 55 Wikileaks cables that mention his name. Here they are.

55-MDC threatened to pull out if ZANU-PF sabotaged constitutional process

54-Madhuku believed he would be more effective as an outsider

53-Speaker Moyo on how the constitutional process was supposed to work

52-Groups opposed to new constitution were a minority

51-Tsvangirai and Madhuku failed to reconcile over new constitution

50-Madhuku and the people

49-Madhuku said there was no way the US would change its policies overnight

48-US embassy urged Madhuku to invite others to join his protests

47-Gono pre-empts protest march

46-Civil society wanted transitional government not GNU

45-Tsvangirai threatened to pull out

44-Dell promised to assist opposition trip to US

43-Mutambara said Mugabe had betrayed the liberation struggle

42-US embassy monitors government actions during funeral of MDC activist

41-Madhuku had no funds to bus people for demonstrations

40-Madhuku was stopped from demonstrating

39-Madhuku was critical of constitution making process from word go

38-Madhuku warned that violence by police could backfire

37-Mutambara said opposition was united to drive out Mugabe

36-Funeral of MDC activist postponed because leaders were in hospital

35-Police brutally disrupted prayer meeting

34-Rift in ZANU-PF led to a lot of speculation

33-Madhuku survived arson attack

32-Dell said time was on the democratic forces’ side

31-Madhuku is not a saint either

30-Madhuku spearheaded one-man-one-vote at the Tsvangirai congress

29-Madhuku said Mnangagwa wanted Mujuru to succeed Mugabe!

28-Are Madhuku and Mutambara close?

27-Women’s courage astounding

26-Bishops promised never to have centralised autocracy of Mugabeism

25-People more interested in economic issues than constitutional reform

24-Police took ZCTU more seriously than NCA

23-Ambassador said Madhuku overstates size of his events

22-Dell wondered whether NCA and MDC could get more people on the streets

21-An apology from Tsvangirai could have prevented MDC split

20-Madhuku optimistic, allies sceptical

19-Madhuku hailed stay-away as a success

18-Madhuku masterminded Broad Alliance

17-Madhuku predicted that MDC would not win more than 50 seats in 2005

16-MP warned that MDC could be like ZANU-PF if it came to power

15-Tsvangirai cancelled trip to Washington to avoid being labelled Bush’s boy

14-Coltart faced a fine of 40 cents

13-Dell said effectiveness of NCA demonstrations was questionable

12-Nationalisation fallout

11-Madhuku said Tsvangirai and Ncube often differed

10-Madhuku asked Tsvangirai what’s the point of contesting elections?

9-Madhuku said 80 percent of NCA marchers had left the country

8-Madhuku beaten up but refused to go to hospital

7-Chinamasa said USA had lost credibility as an honest broker

6-Madhuku arrested ahead of planned march

5-Mtetwa said police changed charge of NCA demonstrators

4-Madhuku was among the demonstrators arrested

3-Did MDC plan bombings or was it a hoax?

2-Madhuku on why the NCA-ZCTU stay-away flopped

1-Demonstrations increased but no impact



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