The booting out of Mugabe- just what Eddie Cross ordered!

There was a furore when Movement for Democratic Change legislator Eddie Cross said party leader Morgan Tsvangirai was so ill that he will not be able to contest next year’s elections.

But no one paid any attention when he said the military could engineer change in Zimbabwe.

“In Africa, those States that are under the control of the new elite, the post-independence generation, are making huge strides,” he wrote on his blog on 25 October.

“Those States like South Africa and Zimbabwe that remain under the control of the ‘veterans of the long march’ (to choose a Chinese phrase) are going backwards and this is entirely because the present generation of liberation leaders simply do not know how to manage the States they control so that they can survive and thrive in this new world order.

“It was so in China, it was so in Europe, does anyone think it can be different in Africa?

“In Zimbabwe we have 5 million well educated young people in the Diaspora, they are learning new ways of doing things, adopting a new World View and when finally, they come home, nothing will ever be the same again.

“It’s just how to get there that is the tough question; in China the agents of change were the professional soldiers in the Red Army. In Zimbabwe?”

The Insider asked on 31 October: "Is Eddie Cross advocating a coup in Zimbabwe?”

Two weeks later it happened and Zimbabwe is under a new leader, its own Deng.



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