Supa Mandiwanzira makes it to ZANU-PF politburo

Supa Mandiwanzira makes it to ZANU-PF politburo

Former journalist Supa Mandiwanzira, once thought to be linked to the G40 faction of the party, has made it to the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front politburo as secretary for local government.

Engelbert Rugeje, also thought to have been ditched by the party, also made it as secretary for economic affairs.

Here is the full list:

President:                                                                                       Emmerson Mnangagwa

Vice-President:                                                                              Constantino Chiwenga

Vice-President:                                                                              Kembo Mophadi

National Chairman:                                                                      Oppah Muchinguri-Kashiri

Secretary for Administration:                                                     Obert Mpofu

Secretary for  Finance:                                                                  Patrick Chinamasa

Secretary for Commisarriat:                                                        Mike Bimha

Secretary for Foreign Affairs and International Trade:         Simbarashe Mbengegwi

Secretary for Security:                                                                   Lovemore Matuke

Secretary for Transport:                                                                July Moyo

Secretary Legal Affairs:                                                                  Jacob Mudenda

Secretary for Information and Publicity:                                    Christopher Mutsvangwa

Secretary for Health and Child Welfare and Elderly:               Douglas Mombeshora

Secretary for Lands:                                                                         Kenneth Musanhi

Secretary for Environment and Tourism:                                    Auxillia Mnangagwa

Secretary for Ideology:                                                                     Charles Tavengwa

Secretary for Science and Technology:                                          Ziyambi Ziyambi

Secretary Economic Development:                                                 Sithembiso Nyoni

Secretary for  Labour and Empowerment:                                    Richard Ndhlovhu

Secretary for Mines:                                                                            Paul Munyaradzi Mangwana

Secretary for Local Government:                                                     Supa Mandiwanzira

Secretary for Economic Affairs:                                                        Engelbert Rugeje

Secretary for Disabilities :                                                                  Joshua Malinga

Secretary for Women Affairs:                                                            Mabel Chinomona

Secretary for Youth Affairs:                                                               Tino Machakaire

Secretary for War Veterans Affairs:                                                 Douglas Mahiya

Secretary for Business Development:                                              Eliphas Mashava

Secretary for  Implementation and Monitoring:                           Joram Gumbo




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