Sugar fad

With this year’s sugar production standing at only 3 368 tonnes compared to a normal harvest of 260 000 tonnes and the situation only expected to return to normal in 1995/96 one would have expected health authorities to take advantage of the shortage of sugar to convince people that though sweet, sugar is not good for their health especially when consumed in large quantities.

While sugar is now available at most outlets, the way it is being purchased, with some individuals buying up to five 12.5 kg bags of the white stuff one wonders whether they are simply hoarding it for Christmas and better times or they intend to resell it.

If it is for consumption, then something ought to be done to discourage people from eating so much sugar especially when one considers that most tea and coffee drinkers do not add sugar to taste, but to make the beverage sweet, the kind that leaves one’s lips almost sticky.

The Consumer council, however, seems to have taken the right step but perhaps may not be getting the necessary publicity. According to the council sugar promotes tooth decay and can lead to obesity which in turn can result in the developing of such diseases like hypertension, heart disease, arthritis and other diseases.

Surely with three years in which to preach the gospel, and the escalating prices, they will get a lot of disciples. After all in some countries it is a fad which has led to the development of sugar-free foods, diet drinks and even lite beers.



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