Something to smile about

Zimbabwe has increased the selling price of the staple maize from Z$9 600 to Z$211 756 a tonne and that of wheat from Z$30 100 to Z$336 584. It had been buying the maize at $130 000 and wheat at Z$160 000 and subsidizing it.

The new prices brings the prices of maize and wheat closer to that charged on the parallel market, though the parallel market price is still slightly higher.

Though reeling under inflation of over 300 percent, most consumers welcomed the price increase because they believe this will bring back mealie meal and bread to the shelves.

But it is not all doom and gloom. Zimbabweans have something to smile about after the national soccer team qualified for the Africa Nations cup for the first time since independence.

Government spin doctor, Jonathan Moyo even composed a song to spur the “Warriors” who despite beating Eritrea 2-0 had to be bailed out by Gabon which beat Sierra Leone by the same margin.



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