Something for Chamisa to think about as MDC council candidate polls only 16 votes

Something for Chamisa to think about as MDC council candidate polls only 16 votes

A Movement for Democratic Change candidate for Ward 6 in Tongogara Rural District Council in Shurugwi yesterday polled only 16 votes in a by-election which pitted two candidates.

The Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Font candidate, Addmore Chitera polled 396 votes to win the by-election.

The seat became vacant following the death of Edward Chitera who won the seat in last year’s harmonized elections. He polled 443 votes.

The MDC candidate Marry Choga contested the same seat last year but under a different political party, the Zimbabwe Partnership for Prosperity (ZIPP). She got 38 votes.

Last year Phillip Pheveni contested for the MDC Alliance and got 20 votes.

The voter turnout for the by-election was 65 percent while that for last year’s election was 86 percent.

The voter population dropped from 617 last year to 612 this year.

The Zimbabwe Election Support Network said the by-election was free and fair.



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