Slap in the face for Grace Mugabe

Monica Mutsvangwa who was suspended from the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front last year for insulting the former first lady Grace Mugabe has been selected to take her place at the Secretary for the Women’s League.

Grace Mugabe, who was elected Women’s League secretary in 2014, was expelled from the arty on 19 November together with other leaders of the G40 faction, Phelekezela Mphoko, Ignatius Chombo, Jonathan Moyo, Saviour Kasukuwere and Mandi Chimene.

Five of them who were Members of Parliament were expelled from Parliament yesterday.

Monica Mutsvangwa, wife of war veterans leader Christopher Mutsvangwa, survived expulsion from the party when her husband was expelled for disrespecting party leader ousted president Robert Mugabe.

Ironically she was the one who moved the motion to impeach Mugabe, but full debate was stopped when Mugabe resigned in the middle of the proceedings.

Monica Mutsvangwa described Grace Mugabe as a disgrace to women because she had stripped them of their dignity.



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