Should the Morgan Tsvangirai Legacy pressure group be taken seriously or not?

Should the Morgan Tsvangirai Legacy pressure group be taken seriously or not?

A group calling itself the Morgan Tsvangirai Legacy has been arguing for months now that the party, formerly led by founding president Morgan Tsvangirai, currently has no leader because Nelson Chamisa’s term expired on 14 February.

Tsvangirai died on 14 February and Chamisa immediately took over though Tsvangirai had three deputies- Chamisa, Thokozani Khupe who was elected at the party congress in 2014, and Elias Mudzuri, who like Chamisa, was appointed by Tsvangirai.

The group cites article 9.21.1 of the MDC constitution which states that: “In the event of the death or resignation of the President, the Deputy President assumes the role of Acting President, pending the holding of an Extra-Ordinary Congress that shall be held to elect a new President which Extra-Ordinary Congress to be held no later than a year from the death or resignation of the former President.”

The MDC is holding its congress in May, which the group argues is a breach of the party constitution.

The group also argues that only members of the MDC formerly led by Tsvangirai are eligible for election and not those who broke away and formed their own parties but are now members of the Alliance.

It cites section 5.5.2 of the constitution which states that:

“A member shall have served the following periods before he or she is allowed to hold the following office;

(a) Two years – before he or she is eligible to hold a position in the District.

(b) Five years- before he or she is eligible to hold a position in the Province, National Executive and National Council.

(c) Two years – before he or she is eligible to be elected as a Councillor.

(d) Five years – before he or she is eligible to hold the position of Mayor, Chairperson on a Local Board or Member of Parliament.

The point though is, can the group be taken seriously?




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