Sakunda fails to pitch up for Parliamentary hearing

Sakunda fails to pitch up for Parliamentary hearing

Sakunda holdings, a company headed by oil magnate Kuda Tagwirei who also sits on the Presidential Advisory Council, did not turn up yesterday to give oral evidence on the Command Agriculture Programme and the Presidential Input Scheme to Parliament’s Public Accounts Committee.

There is confusion as to how much the company benefitted with some reports saying it was given up to US$3 billion but Finance Permanent Secretary George Guvamatanga says the amount does not exceed US$1 billion.

The company told Clerk of Parliament Kennedy Chokuda that it was not able to give evidence because Tagwirei was out of the country.

It is now expected to testify on Friday.

The chairman of the Public Accounts Committee, Tendai  Biti, one of the vice-presidents of the opposition  Movement for Democratic Change, said this was a lame excuse because the company could have sent a representative.

“We have not requested the evidence from an individual, but Sakunda Holdings as an institution and, therefore, we find their excuse for not showing up a flimsy unacceptable excuse,”Biti said.



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