461-Tutu said Mugabe should be removed by military force
462-Odinga urged AU to send troops to remove Mugabe
463-US did not believe Mugabe could be a credible power-sharing partner
464-Rice said it was long past time for Mugabe to go
465-Zuma was receptive to a reborn PF-ZAPU
466-SA refused to bow down to pressure to force Mugabe to step down
467-Tsvangirai gave Mugabe two weeks to release activists
468-UN piles pressure on Mugabe
470-Kagame did not want RPF to become like Mugabe and ZANU-PF
471-Lesotho FM said nothing short of a coup would remove Mugabe from power
472-Mugabe does not listen to anyone who is not a black African
473-MDC lawyer said Mugabe will rule until he is the last man alive in Harare
474-US wanted Mugabe out, Mujuru in in inclusive government
475-Mugabe’s Christmas present for Tsvangirai
476-Mugabe’s indigenisation policy could change China’s stance towards pariah states – Wikileaks
477-Swazi Prime Minister did not believe Mugabe would last three months
478-Mugabe cleans up his cabinet
479-Tsvangirai acknowledged Mugabe’s resilience
480-Mzembi said it was a mistake to take over Harare water supply