401-Biti thought Tsvangirai was weak
402-US asked if MDC was going to be swallowed by ZANU-PF like ZAPU
403-Civil society wanted transitional government not GNU
404-Grace agreed to power-sharing agreement
405-Holding Mugabe accountable
406-Odinga said Mugabe and Tsvangirai wanted to talk but…
407-Political tug-of-war- Mugabe versus Tsvangirai
408-Britain may have forced AU to accept Mugabe after 2008 elections
409-Namibia going the Zimbabwe way
410-CSU and MDC differed on people killed during election violence
411-Viva Mugabe champion of the oppressed
412-Tsvangirai said Mugabe would fight Mnangagwa to get honourable exit
413-Tsvangirai, Mugabe were focussed too much on power
414-Tsvangirai insisted Mugabe could only be ceremonial president
415-Mugabe maintains small delegation
416-Tsvangirai said he was being magnanimous to offer Mugabe anything at all
417-Mbeki facilitates one-on-one talks between Mugabe and Tsvangirai
418-Has MDC been outmanoeuvred by ZANU-PF again?
419-Tsvangirai said Mbeki, Mugabe and Mutambara ganged up against him
420-MDC advisors preferred a Transitional Authority not GNU
Continued next page