241-Most ZANU-PF leaders see a president when they look in the mirror
242-Rautenbach named in Sudanese oil deal
243-Mugabe rigid, defiant, isolated
244-Mutambara says Tsvangirai has become a “little Mugabe”
245-Zvobgo said everyone agreed that Mugabe had outlived his time
246-Malawi press called Mugabe Mutharika’s uncle
247-Mutharika described Mugabe as an African hero
248-US company knowingly broke sanctions to do business with Mugabe
249-More join the Presidential jet
250-Embassy claims Zimbabwe is hyping Chinese investment
251-US embassy requested US$3 million to fight Mugabe
252-Mashakada said Mugabe was the only zero that had to go
253-Gen Mujuru told US its approach insulted Zimbabwe’s “manhood”
254-State Department supported business forum in Harare
255-Mutasa said Mugabe might become president for life
256-Masiyiwa, Takawira and Goko tried to ease Mugabe out
257-Mutambara said Mugabe could be beaten
258-Msipa told Dell that Gen Mujuru was no match for Mugabe
259-Police brutally disrupted prayer meeting
260-Were Shamu and Mzembi silenced?
Continued next page