Robert Mugabe Wikileaks cables – Part Twenty-Four

161-Questions raised about the cost of Mugabe’s stay in power

162-Paper says quiet diplomacy does not work with Mugabe

163-Mugabe a spiritual descendant of Idi Amin- Wikileaks

164-SADC betrays Zimbabweans

165-Mugabe is a hindrance to change

166-Urban voters voted with their stomachs

167-Government closes Daily News

168-Embassy says Mugabe used Shona to alienate white and international supporters of the MDC

169-Mugabe says criticism of US and Britain is based on principles

170-Why ZANU-PF and MDC were willing to talk as far back as 2003

171-Tsvangirai’s time table for a new Zimbabwe

172-MDC did not want economy repaired while Mugabe was in power!

173-Supreme Court clips Jonathan Moyo’s wings

174-Mugabe an impossible nut for US to crack

175-Gono becomes central banker, Finance, and Trade minister melded in one

176-Doing business in Robert Mugabe’s Zimbabwe

177-Mugabe singles out Jonathan Moyo for praise at conference

178-Obasanjo hoped to get Mugabe to settle March 2004

179-Gono rattles feathers

180-Land reform adds to Mugabe’s stature

Continued next page



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