21-ZIDERA meant to punish Zimbabwe for doing the right thing
22-Zambian diplomat says ZIDERA is welcome if it will hasten Mugabe’s departure
23-Sydney Masamvu- Martial law looms in Zimbabwe
24-Daily News editors arrested
25-Mugabe says US is trying to rule Zimbabwe by remote control
26-Harassment of journalists continues
27-Two sides to the Abuja agreement
28-Mugabe sent Bush a message of condolence on 911
30-Zimbabwe shuts out uninvited election observers
31-Jonathan Moyo says violence begets violence
32-Reader says Mugabe’s condolence message to Bush is hypocritical
33-Paper asks why monitor Mugabe and not Bush?
34-US ambassador’s anti-terror opinion piece receives wide coverage
35-Mugabe liable to pay damages for violence
36-ZANU-PF has become a monster
37-Mugabe undeterred by sanctions
38-Jonathan Moyo fighting terrorism!
39-Change of radio station shuts off VOA
Continued next page