201-Gono promises floating exchange rate
202-Mujuru told Mnangagwa he would never lead ZANU-PF
203-Murerwa forecast growth in 2005
204-Mnangagwa Zimbabwe’s Gorbachev!
205-Gono said he was responsible for Jonathan Moyo’s demise
206-French thought the British were obsessed with Mugabe
207-Want to talk to Mugabe, call this number
208-Why Zimbabwe was not eligible for AGOA
209-Chissano said Mugabe was ready to step down but…..
210-Tsvangirai was convinced MDC would win 2005 elections
211-Tsvangirai told Dell that CIO had told him MDC had won over 90 seats
212-ZANU-PF surprised everyone including itself
213-Makoni said Mugabe respected and liked self-made businesspersons
214-Mugabe relies on the same cast of characters
215-US embassy says don’t underestimate Mugabe
217-Gono lashes out at greedy economic saboteurs
218-Zimplats was worried about the coming of the Chinese
220-Gono powerless as cash dries up
Continued next page