Reports that Grace Mugabe is negotiating to become VP of MDC Alliance spell disaster for Chamisa

Chaos today broke out in the National Patriotic Front which is financed by former First Lady Grace Mugabe with reports in the morning that the party had fired its founding leader Ambrose Mutinhiri who in turn fired those who had fired him.

The party, which accused Mutinhiri of not wanting to work with the team, had replaced Mutinhiri with his deputy Eunice Sandi Moyo.

Mutinhiri in turn expelled party spokesman Jealousy Mawarire and his team saying they were acting on behalf of Grace Mugabe who wants to be vie-president of the MDC Alliance.

NPF political commissar Jim Kunaka says Grace had sent Mawarire and Shadreck Mashayamombe to negotiate the deal.

While Grace Mugabe is awash with cash, which Chamisa desperately needs as his party is broke, any association with Grace would be disastrous as she was loathed not only within ZANU-PF but by the nation as a whole because of her extravagance and the way she dressed down senior party and government officials.


1 Comment

  1. Joel Mugadza

    Whoever wrote this article must be very stupid to think zimbabwean are such brainless yo believe such hogwash.

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