Remember Morgan Tsvangirai as you celebrate Valentine’s Day- MP says

Remember Morgan Tsvangirai as you celebrate Valentine’s Day- MP says

Movement for Democratic Change legislator Paurina Mpariwa, one of the founding members of the party, yesterday called on Zimbabweans to remember the late party leader Morgan Tsvangirai as they celebrated Valentine’s Day.

She told Parliament yesterday: “As we celebrate Valentine’s Day, I would want everyone else to remember Morgan Richard Tsvangirai as somebody who had love, somebody who reached out, somebody who actually accepted, somebody who apologised even to those who would have wronged him. So I hope and trust that as Zimbabweans, we will copy as well the level of acceptance and the level of tolerance for everyone in the country.”

Tsvangirai, a former trade unionist like Mpariwa, led the party from 2000 until his death. Though there were several splits during the period he maintained his hold on the party.

He beat President Robert Mugabe in the 2008 elections but pulled out of the run-off allowing Mugabe toi claim victory.

Tsvangirai became Prime Minister in 2009 after agreeing a government of national unity but lost to Mugabe in 2013.

HON. MPARIWA: Thank you Hon. Speaker a very good afternoon to you.  I want to appreciate and thank you for the compliment on Valentine’s Day to every one of us and we are waiting for the champagne and red flowers.   Thank you very much papa.   Hon. Speaker, today is the 14th of February and a day indeed where the world over is celebrating love and sharing.  My point of privilege is based on the fact that on the 14th February 2018, we lost an icon, the former Prime Minister of the Republic of Zimbabwe, Hon. Morgan Richard Tsvangirai.  He, despite the problems in terms of having been in opposition politics, he shared and loved everyone.  He had to actually accept to be in Cabinet and dollar for two is actually missed and celebrated in Zimbabwe because we saw things that were actually coming out as a result of the Government of National Unity. 

So as we celebrate Valentine’s Day, I would want everyone else to remember Morgan Richard Tsvangirai as somebody who had love, somebody who reached out, somebody who actually accepted, somebody who apologised even to those who would have wronged him. So I hope and trust that as Zimbabweans, we will copy as well the level of acceptance and the level of tolerance for everyone in the country. I thank you Hon. Speaker.  May his soul rest in eternal peace.




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