Poor workmanship dogs Bulawayo housing scheme

The Bulawayo City Council’s quest to provide affordable housing to its residents continues to be dogged by poor workmanship.

The council, which had awarded contracts to seven individual builders to construct 10 houses each within three months under its Millennium Housing Scheme, was forced to cancel two because of poor workmanship.

The Millennium Housing Scheme aims to provide houses for the poor and is funded under the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe’s productive sector facility. It is in Emganwini suburb.

The two builders who lost contracts, Brighter Future Cooperative and Cooperative Development Section, had already completed three houses each but were stopped from constructing the remainder that were at slab level.

The 14 houses that the two builders were still to build were distributed to four contractors, two getting three each and the other two getting four each.

In a related incident, one of the five builders awarded contracts to build six houses each under the same scheme failed to turn up to start work




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