Patrick Chinamasa the first 50 Wikileaks cables

Patrick Chinamasa has been one of the longest serving Justice Ministers in Zimbabwe. There is a reason for that. He is a shrewd political tactician, and a close confidante of President Robert Mugabe. Chinamasa who left his private practice first to become attorney-general and then Justice Minister was the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front’s chief negotiator in the talks that ultimately led to the formation of the inclusive government. Some observers say Chinamasa is one of Mugabe’s favourites because he always gets his way without breaking the law. There are more than 190 cables on him. Here is the first 50.

We have classified the cables according to individuals. To read cables on each individual, please use our index:


We have complete cables on:


Tendai Biti (231)

Nelson Chamisa (67)

Patrick Chinamsa ()

General Herbert Chingono (1)

Joseph Chinotimba (30)

Phillip Chiyangwa (24)

Ignatius Chombo (63)

David Coltart (96)

Nicholas Goche (85)

Jethro Goko, (2)

Gideon Gono (269)

Obert Gutu (2)

Sekai Holland (12)

Chenjerai Hunzvi (26)

Learnmore Jongwe (17)

Saviour Kasukuwere (27)

Thokozani Khupe (24)

Grace Kwinje (5)

Joseph Made (64)

Henry Madzorera (4)

Simba Makoni (142)

John Makumbe (17)

Elton Mangoma (43)

Sydney Masamvu (39)

Tapiwa Mashakada (6)

Strive Masiyiwa (55)

Michael Mataure (3)

Eric Matinenga ( 26)

Priscilla Misihairabwi-Mushonga (32)

Emmerson Mnangagwa (194)

Jonathan Moyo (226)

Paurina Gwanyanya Mpariwa (6)

Obert Mpofu (46)

Oppah Muchinguri (25)

Simba Mudarikwa (1)

Stan Mudenge (22)

Grace Mugabe (34)

Joice Mujuru (35)

Solomon Mujuru (86)

Simbarashe Mumbengegwi (12)

Herbert Murerwa (53)

Charles Mutama (2)

Arthur Mutambara (114)

Didymus Mutasa (84)

Walter Mzembi (24)

Pius Ncube (22)

Trevor Ncube (19)

Welshman Ncube (207)

Sikhanyiso Ndlovu (18)

Francis Nhema (25)

John Nkomo (122)

Geoff Nyarota (19)

Fidelis Satuku (1)

Sydney Sekeramayi (3)

Save Valley Conservancy (26)

Webster Shamu (27)

Jabulani Sibanda (4)

Edgar Tekere (4)

Jenni Williams (26)

Eddison Zvobgo (49)


Those not yet complete but already indexed are:


Patrick Chinamasa (51)

Robert Mugabe (251)

Morgan Tsvangirai (654)




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