Pastor Mawarire says Zimbabwe’s problems are bigger than Mugabe

Zimbabwean activist Pastor Evan Mawarire of #ThisFlag, who is currently facing charges of subversion after leading protests demanding that President Robert Mugabe step down, says the problem Zimbabwe is currently facing are bigger than Mugabe.

“He is a figurehead of a system,” he told NewZimbabwe.Com.

“I don’t want to take away from the fact that the individual had a role to play in these challenges, but there is a system of corruption and abuse. He could die tomorrow or next week, and then what?”

Mawarire said he was ready to challenge Mugabe at next year’s elections.

“It is a question I have had to answer now, particularly because in Zimbabwe everyone is asking about the question of leadership,” he said.

“Public office is something I hold in very high regard. I have chosen to keep that door open and to be available for the job of public office.”

The Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front has already proposed Mugabe as its presidential candidate for next year’s elections.

Mugabe turned 93 on Tuesday and will be 94 before next year’s elections.

Ed: See my take on how Mugabe has survived in power this long



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