No government of National Unity for Zimbabwe, Never, says ZANU-PF

No government of National Unity for Zimbabwe, Never, says ZANU-PF

The Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front says it will never go into a government of national unity with the Movement for Democratic Change because President Emmerson Mnangagwa was given a full mandate to govern the country and will not abdicate on this.

Zimbabwe I currently under siege with fuel shortages and sky rocketing prices following the reintroduction of foreign currency accounts and the announcement of a proposed two cents per dollar transaction tax last week.

There have been calls for the two major political parties to dialogue to end the crisis.

MDC leader Nelson Chamisa has categorically said he is not going to join any GNU or the proposed post of leader of opposition insisting he won the elections and should be president.

Chamisa and his supporters say he has the keys to the economy so Mnangagwa will not be able to turn around the economy and should therefore resign and give the reins to Chamisa.

Chamisa last week tweeted: “READY TO LEAD ZIM OUT OF CRISIS. For a path to a truly new era, we have proposed a 5-point plan to make ZIMBABWE GREAT. There are people who did not believe in what we were saying but I’m sure they now know that whatever and whoever else they believed or still believe is FALSE!”

ZANU-PF secretary for administration rubbished claims that Chamisa had to keys to the economy saying his party was now on top of the situation.

“After extensive consultation and investigations, we discovered that there is a hidden hand in the economic situation prevailing,” Mpofu said.

“MDC Alliance is going round claiming it has the keys to economic revival envisaging that the situation gets dire and force a GNU, never.

“President Mnangagwa has a full mandate given to him by the people, they invited sanctions and at the same time want to take advantage to cause chaos in the economy, we are on top of the situation and very soon we the whole agenda will be exposed.”

The situation on the ground, however, does not reflect that the government is on top of the situation.

Mnangagwa ruled out a government of national unity two months ago in an interview with Skynews.

“In 1964 Harold Wilson of Britain beat the Conservatives by one seat and he formed the government and ruled England,” he said.

“I have a two-thirds majority and you are talking about me abandoning my two-thirds majority to form a government of national unity. Not that it’s a bad idea but it doesn’t show that there is any need.”



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