No forced evictions of Zimbabweans from UK yet but 1 000 return voluntarily

Britain has not started forced evictions of failed Zimbabwean asylum seekers yet but 1 006 Zimbabweans have returned home voluntarily since 2008.

Home Office Minister Damien Green told the House of Commons yesterday that the UK Border Agency had not yet started the forced evictions though he gave the go- ahead on 14 October last year and the Immigration and Asylum Chamber promulgated its judgment on 11 March 2011.

He, however, said 320 Zimbabweans voluntarily returned home in 2008. A further 316 went back in 2009 and last year the figure rose to 370.

The minister, however, said these figures were provisional. They were based on management information and were not subject to the detailed checks that apply for National Statistics and might be subject to change.

About 3 000 Zimbabweans have failed to get asylum and have exhausted all avenues of appeal. It is believed that there are about 10 000 Zimbabwean asylum seekers in the United Kingdom.



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