Nkosana Moyo to run for Zimbabwe president

Former Industry Minister Nkosana Moyo today announced that he will be running for president next year under his own political party known as the Alliance for the People’s Agenda.

While the main opposition political parties including Morgan Tsvangirai’s Movement for Democratic Change are negotiating a coalition to confront the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front, Moyo rubbished the coalition saying: "If I take a litre of petrol and a litre of water, I may end up with something that is unusable."

He said he had decided to join the race in response to calls by Zimbabweans.

"I must heed the call to run for President of Zimbabwe, a call from diverse Zimbabweans," he said.

He said he hoped that his party would capture voters "disillusioned with current parties".

"When you look at the data on voter turnout, you will realise that Zimbabweans who vote are less than those who are not persuaded, that is worth their while . . . if the options remain the same, the majority of Zimbabweans who have found these options unattractive in the past will stay away as before," he was quoted by African News Agency as saying.



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