Newsday publisher Trevor Ncube gets a bashing after saying Chamisa is a dictator – Zimbabwe needs a principled opposition

Newsday publisher Trevor Ncube gets a bashing after saying Chamisa is a dictator – Zimbabwe needs a principled opposition

One of the people that criticised Ncube was Thabani Mpofu who was the lead lawyer in Chamisa’s Constitutional Court challenge of the 2018 presidential elections, which Chamisa lost.

“You are better than this bhudaz. If Nelson is your brother, express your concerns to him in private. If he is an opponent, make an unveiled frontal attack and expect a response. This rubbish is beneath you and please take the name of Christ out of it,” Mpofu said.

But another opposition leader Linda Tsungirirai Masarira backed Ncube saying: “Thank you for being truthful & honest, we have said this before & labelled all sorts of names even allocated parties we are not even members of because people don’t want the truth. Hoping he hears the sentiments you have raised and self corrects otherwise hapana hapana.”

Most of those who bashed Ncube said so in unprintable words.

Stanley Mlambo, however, suggested that Ncube invite Chamisa to his talkshow.

“I humbly request that you invite @nelsonchamisa to be a guest for the In Conversation with Trevor show . You ask all the questions that you have and he responds on his own,” he said.

Wilbert Nyangari also said Ncube should give Chamisa a chance to respond. 

“Thank you @TrevorNcube for this thread. It’s quite candid. Can’t we have a platform where Nelson responds to these concerns/ allegations. We all as Zimbabweans have a duty to do right for this country. If it’s not for us let it be for the next generation.”

Ncube responded: “My WhatsApp and Twitter DM’s are hectic. The people who claim to want change in Zimbabwe have frightened many people from speaking out. This does not sound like a new Zimbabwe that these people want. Sounds like ZANU-PF 2.0 to me. I am having none of it. “

Chamisa launched his 2023 campaign strategy on Thursday which he said had five pillars:

1.A Citizens Campaign & volunteers program 1+5

2.Citizens Representatives & Candidates 

3.Securing the Citizens vote & Victory-The Win Big strategy 

4.Alternative Policies-The New Great Zimbabwe blueprint 

5.The Global advocacy for change

It is not clear whether Chamisa was responding to Ncube or not but he tweeted today: “AVOID THEIR BITTERNESS & TOXICITY..:Those who seek my life set their traps and snares for me, those who seek to harm me talk of my ruin; all day long they scheme deception and lie…But I do not hear or open my mouth..Psalm 38:12-13 Blessed sabbath beloved!”

Chamisa is one of the most followed Zimbabwean politicians and has nearly 1.2 million twitter followers. 




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