Nearly 4 000 MDC-T members submit CVs to contest coming elections

Movement for Democratic Change leader Nelson Chamisa today said his party was ready for the coming elections and 3 911 candidates had submitted their CVs to be considered as candidates for the elections which will be held in three months.

Chamisa said the party was committed to ensuring that half will be women and 20 percent youths.

Although he said his party was determined to contest the elections he still insisted that the government should meet its 10 electoral demands, which are:

1. Independence of the Zimbabwean Electoral Commission (ZEC), including the independence and professionalization of the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission Secretariat.

2. The creation of an authentic biometric voters’ roll properly audited and signed off by all stakeholders.

3. Full disclosure and transparency around the ballot paper, its technical status, its printing and its distribution thereof.

4. The complete de-securitisation of election institutions and the electoral process, incorporating the exclusion of Zimbabwe’s security sector from managing the incumbent ZANU PF’s election campaign.

5. Provision for Zimbabweans residing in the Diaspora to vote in the election.

6. Media reforms allowing for equal access to public media by all contenders in the election.

7. The enactment of major amendments to the Electoral Law and the repealing of restrictive laws such as: the Public Order Security Act (POSA); Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act (AIPPA); and the Broadcasting Services Act (BSA).

8. Allowing entry of international monitors and supervisors at least 3 months before the 2018 election and provision for the United Nations to supervise the poll.

9. Absence of violence and intimidation before, during and after the election.

10. Political impartiality of traditional leaders, including abolition of politicized food aid in election campaigns.

Full statement:

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