Name and shame

Zimbabwe is such a beautiful country that a lot of people are dying to come and live there. We the indigenous people might not appreciate this but our country is a paradise. Let us us keep it that way.

To do so we have to get rid of the rot that nearly destroyed our beloved country. Let us expose the charlatans, the free loaders, the corrupt and those who claim to be serving our interests when they are serving their own, be they in government, the private sector or civil society. This is the place to do so.

We are inviting you to contribute by sending us tips, backed by documents or pictures of such persons and we will publish them. This is not a gossip column. We will verify every tip or story we get and confront the culprits to allow them to respond before we publish. At the same time we will protect those who give us information at all costs.

Send your submission via this secure form:

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