Mutukudzi brings nation together, offers diversion from last week’s horror

Mutukudzi brings nation together, offers diversion from last week’s horror

Oliver Mutukudzi, who died on Wednesday, has brought the nation together with President Emmerson Mnangagwa, Movement for democratic Change leader Nelson Chamisa, and National People’s Party leader Joice Mujuru, all visiting his Norton home to pay their last respects, though at different times.

Mutukudzi was declared a national hero but the family was left to decide where they want him buried and indications are that he will be buried at his rural home in Madziva.

Even the Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation television, for a change, interviewed Chamisa and Mujuru saying something positive.

The death of Mutukudzi has also provided a temporary diversion from last week’s horror which saw people being beaten up and killed and businesses vandalised.

Mnangagwa has called for national dialogue and the death of Mutukudzi could provide that platform.

It will be interesting to see how many political leaders will attend his funeral.

Another opportunity for leaders to meet was provided by the family of the founding father of the MDC, Morgan Tsvangirai, which invited all political leaders to his memorial service which is now only three weeks away.

There has been a political onslaught on Mnangagwa since last week’s violence with critics saying he is worse than his predecessor Robert Mugabe with one report saying Mugabe was even better because he only beat up people while Mnangagwa shoots them.

The violence has, however, not distracted one of his top lieutenants Mthuli Ncube who travelled to Davos where he argued that last week’s protests were a sign of increased democracy under Mnangagwa because they would not have taken place in the past.

Ncube is also confident that the country’s economy is on the recovery and Zimbabwe will have its own currency before the end of the year.

The Finance Minister is vehemently opposed to the adoption of the United States dollar or the South African rand saying that is not currency reform but capitulation.

He, however, insists that the conditions have to be right as the government does not want to see people’s money losing value like happened in 2008 when people lost their entire savings and pensions.




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