Mutodi mocks Chamisa

Mutodi mocks Chamisa

Deputy Information Minister Energy Mutodi today mocked Movement for Democratic Change leader Nelson Chamisa saying he can never win an election or even unity talks because of his arrogance.

Commenting on the just ended Democratic Republic of Congo elections which were won by opposition leader Felix Tshisekedi, Mutodi tweeted: “With the DRC election commission declaring Félix Tshisekedi as President Elect of Congo, it’s high time Tsvangirai’s children take over the MDC, the party of their father. They stand a better chance. NC can never win an election, not even unity talks because of his arrogance.”

Felix Tshisekedi is the son of Etienne Tshisekedi former leader of the Union for Democracy and Social Progress which he now leads.

Etienne Tshisekedi died in 2017.

Chamisa who is younger than Felix Tshisekedi contested last year’s elections and lost to Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front leader Emmerson Mnangagwa but he has refused to accept defeat.

He has been calling for dialogue with Mnangagwa and set five conditions for the talks one of which was returning the country to legitimacy.

ZANU-PF says Mnangagwa is the legitimate leader of the country so there is no question of legitimacy. It says Chamisa must therefore recognise Mnangagwa as the President of Zimbabwe before any talks.

The MDC will be holding its congress to elect a new leader this year although several dates are being tossed around but it is most likely that Chamisa will be challenged.

He has tried to ward off any challenge saying he was left the mantle by founding leader Morgan Tsvangirai so he should be allowed to fulfill his mandate after which he will pass on the mantle.




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