Mugabe’s administration now at 66 ministers and deputies

President Robert Mugabe’s administration now comprises 41 ministers and 22 deputies plus three members of the presidency- Mugabe himself and his two deputies Emmerson Mnangagwa and Phelekezela Mphoko.

Mnangagwa and Mphoko are also doubling as ministers, with Mnangagwa as Minister of Justice and Mphoko Minister of National Healing.

There is one vacancy among the provincial affairs ministers in Matebeleland South following the elevation of Abednico Ncube to Minister of Rural Development and Preservation of National Cultural Heritage.

Key ministries like Finance and Justice do not have deputies.


                                                      EXECUTIVE AS AT 11th SEPTEMBER 2015

President:           Robert Mugabe

Vice-President :  Emmerson Mnangagwa

Vice-President :  Phelekezela Mphoko

In alphabetical order by name of Ministry

   signifies the Minister or Deputy Minister is one of the five individuals appointed from outside Parliament in terms of section 104(3

 of the Constitution


Minister or

Deputy Minister/s

Agriculture, Mechanisation and Irrigation Development

Made, Joseph

Marapira, Davis (Cropping)
Zhanda, Paddy (Livestock)


Sekeramayi, Sydney


Energy and Power Development

Undenge, Samel

Muzenda, Tsitsi

Environment, Water and Climate

Muchinguri, Oppah


Finance and Economic Development

Chinamasa, Patrick


Foreign Affairs

Mumbengegwi, Simbarashe

Mbwembwe, Edgar

Health and Child Care

Parirenyatwa, David

Musiiwa,  Aldrin

Higher and Tertiary Education, Science and Technology Development

Moyo, Jonathan

Gandawa, Godfrey

Home Affairs

Chombo, Ignatius

Mguni, Obedingwa

Industry and Commerce

Bimha, Mike

Mabuwa, Chiratidzo

Information Communication Technology, Postal and Courier Services

Mandiwanzira, Supa

Mlambo, Win

Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs

Mnangagwa Emmerson


Lands and Rural Resettlement

Mombeshora, Douglas

Chikwama, Berita

Local Government; Public Works and National Housing

Kasukuwere, Saviour

Chingosho, Christopher

Macro-Economic Planning and Investment Promotion

Mpofu, Obert

Mutsvangwa, Monica

Media, Information and Broadcasting Services

Mushohwe, Christopher

Mathuthu, Thokozile

Mines and Mining Development

Chidhakwa, Walter

Moyo, Fred

National Healing, Peace and Reconciliation

Mphoko, Phelekezela
(Vice-President )


National Security

Mohadi, Kembo


Policy Coordination and Promotion of Socio-Economic Ventures in the President’s Office

Moyo, Simon Khaya


Primary and Secondary Education

Dokora, Lazarus

Mavima, Paul

Public Service, Labour and Social Services

Mupfumira, Priscah

Matangaidze, Tapiwanashe

Rural Development and Preservation of National Cultural Heritage

Ncube, Abednigo Ncube


Small and Medium Enterprises and Co-operative Development

Nyoni, Sithembiso

Muponora, Noveti

Sport and Recreation

Langa, Andrew

Kanengoni-Malinga, Tabitha

Tourism and Hospitality Industry

Mzembi, Walter

Ndlovu, Annastasia

Transport and Infrastructural Development

Gumbo, Joram

Madanha, Michael

Welfare Services for War Veterans, War Collaborators, Former Political Detainees and Restrictees

Mutsvangwa, Christopher

Dube, Tshinga

Women’s Affairs, Gender and Community Development

Chikwinya, Nyasha

Damasane, Abigail

Youth Development, Indigenisation and Economic Empowerment

Zhuwao, Patrick

Tongofa, Mathias

Minister of State for Liaising on Psychomotor Activities in Education

Hungwe, Josiah


Minister of State in the Office of Vice-President  Mnangagwa

Sibanda, Clifford


Minister of State in the Office of Vice-President Mphoko

Kanengoni-Malinga, Tabitha


Minister without Portfolio

Hlongwane, Makhosini


Ministers of State for Provincial Affairs ­­—




    Bulawayo Metropolitan

Moyo, Eunice


     Harare Metropolitan

Chikukwa, Miriam



Chimene, Mandi


     Mashonaland Central

Dinha, Martin


     Mashonaland East

Mutinhiri, Ambrose


     Mashonaland West

Chidarikire, Faber



Mahofa, Shuvai


     Matabeleland North

Mathema, Cain


     Matabeleland South




Machaya, Jason




[1]     When appointing Vice-Presidents Mnangagwa and Mphoko in December 2014, President Mugabe assigned  Ministerial responsibilities to both of them in terms of section 99 of the Constitution.  Although they are not Ministers, they are frequently referred as “Vice-President and Minister of …” in official documents.  



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