Mugabe told to dump G40 or sink with it

The character tweeting as Emmerson Mnangagwa has warned President Robert Mugabe to dump G40 or sink with it.

Yesterday the character said s/he was not Mnangagwa but just wanted to annoy Jonathan Moyo, but that tweet was removed and replaced with a statement saying: “I neither confirm nor deny that this is an authentic account”.

In a series of tweets after Zimbabwe Defence Forces chief Constantine Chiwenga’s statement that the military will not stand by and watch the country being taken over by counter-revolutionaries, ED tweeted: “Btwn a rock & a hard place

“1. Dump G40 & your path is a smooth & honourable departure from office as a celebrated & gallant hero

“2. Stick with G40 & sink with them imminently

“This is the ‘drastic action’ that ‘must be taken IMMEDIATELY’ according to page 2 para 4 of the statement”

“As demonstrated today by the men in uniform & as will be clearly evident in the coming days; it is the responsibility of the Army to defend the country's constitution & the gains of our liberation struggle against rogue, state capturing elements bent on creating a family dynasty.

“And on the 7th of October I warned:  ‘Amai, you let them put you on a pedestal whose foundation is sand. Fooled into believing that an ostrich can fly because it has big wings’.  but few took notice

“On the 11th of October I said this, but few took notice:

“in boxing the thought that you're ahead on points shouldn't be a reason to pop the champagne, the KO punch is always delivered kumagumo

“In the same way we remember 18 April 1980, the month of November 2017 will forever be remembered in the history of Zimbabwe.

“As I've repeatedly said, ‘zvose zvirikutaugwa izvi zvichapera kana nyaya yacho yasvika kumagumo’”

The  State media has been silent on Chiwenga’s statement.



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