Mugabe the best but figures don’t add up

The economy might be reeling but President Robert Mugabe, who won 61 percent of the poll last year, would garner 85 percent of the votes if elections were to be held now, according to The Sunday Mail. It says a survey by the Zimbabwe Global Initiative showed that opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai would only get 11 percent of the votes. Two percent would vote for any other candidate while 4 percent abstained. If correctly reported the figures do not add up as they exceed 100 percent. But more importantly ZGI was formed by a group of youths closely aligned to the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front. One of its founders is Psychology Maziwisa who is ZANU-PF deputy director of Information and Publicity who said soon after the launch that Mugabe was a leader “who virtually every Zimbabwean is fond of” and is “idolised by the entire African continent. ZANU-PF Secretary for Administration Didymus Mutasa is the patron of the organisation. Maziwisa said the organisation would seek to rewrite the history of the country because it had been distorted by the enemies of the country. “Our view is that the real Zimbabwean story needs to be told and we believe that if that is done well- in a concerted way… Zimbabwe will be seen in the best possible light in a couple of years if not months,” Maziwisa told a South African media group.



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