Mugabe snubs Mliswa again asked to come on 11 June

Former President Robert Mugabe today once again failed to pitch up for hearing before the Mines and Energy Parliamentary Portfolio committee to give evidence on the alleged missing $15 billion diamonds.

Mugabe was initially supposed to appear before the committee on Wednesday last week but was asked to turn up today at 2pm.

Mliswa said Mugabe had probably failed to turn up at 9am last week because it was too early. He asked him to come at 2pm today, but once again he did not turn up.

Mugabe has now been asked to appear before the committee on 11 June.

The former President who was forced to step down in November has complained that he is being harassed by President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s government.

This insistence on calling him to testify when plenty of evidence has been provided that there is no way the country could have lost $15 billion worth of diamonds worth seems by all intents and purposes to be harassment.




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