Mugabe raps  ministers for travelling too much

President Robert Mugabe has rapped his ministers for travelling too much and doing very little practical work.  “Sit less on your chairs and if wakatemerwa nyora dzedzvatsvatsva mangwana waenda kune imwe meeting mangwana, just now I am fed up ne too much travelling. Too much travelling, very little attention is being given to practical work…. Zim-Asset should not remain just a name. Zim-Asset must be a practical engine. On paper we say yes we need to produce food. On paper we say we need to produce products and beneficiate them. That we as an indigenous people must equip ourselves and sustain that development.  That is what the paper says, but what we say on paper is not put in practice. We must be practical people now, not just theorists…. Act, act and act more. We have a tendency to have debates. Aah there is a meeting there President come and open this, ooh we have this issue now. I have a string of invitations to meetings, I would want to be invited to see what is going on. Are we invited to see an irrigation scheme, a dam being constructed, a new mine being opened or the road Beitbridge-Masvingo-Harare being done. That’s then we will tell the story of Zim-Asset and this is where our Ministers must play their part,” Mugabe told his ministers. Mugabe himself has been accused of travelling too much and was at one time nick-named Vasco da Gama, a Portuguese explorer in the 15-16th century who went out to discover the world.



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