Mugabe confirms Grace rescued Jonathan Moyo and Saviour Kasukuwere

Former President Robert Mugabe today confirmed that his wife Grace rescued Jonathan Moyo and Saviour Kasukuwere and their families but taking them to her Blue Roof mansion before asking the two to escape when the military intervened and started shooting at their houses.

Jonathan confirmed in an interview with the BBC that he was at Kasukuwere’s house when it was attacked on the morning of 15 November last year but refused to disclose the “angels” that rescued him.

Mugabe today confirmed in an interview with the South African Broadcasting Corporation that it was his wife that saved them, after they raised a cry.

“Please, please mama save us, please save us,” he said Jonathan Moyo and Kasukuwere pleaded. “I wasn’t there. She organised some of her security and said please go and save them.  What happens to you know. I don’t know. You may die on the way but go. And she put together the cars and the persons. And they were brought here to our house…one had a wife and four children and the other a wife and three children…. And we kept them here and we said to them we will keep your families but you men find your way out… And so they left, we don’t know how and we don’t know where they went.”






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