Mugabe and the MDC 20th anniversary

Mugabe and the MDC 20th anniversary

The Movement for Democratic Change, which postponed its 20th anniversary celebrations on 14 September to allow its leaders to attend former President Robert Mugabe’s funeral service at the National Sports Stadium, is in a fix again.

Mugabe’s family has decided to bury him on Saturday, the very date the MDC is holding its anniversary.

When the MDC postponed its celebrations and set 28 September as the new date, plans were that Mugabe would be buried on Sunday, 15 September.

But this was not to be. Reports said a mausoleum had to be built for him and this would take at least 30 days.

Now those plans seem to have been abandoned. Mugabe will be buried at his Zvimba home where his mother was buried.

The Ministry of Information said the government was respecting the wishes of the family.

The question remains: What will MDC leader Nelson Chamisa do?

All roads are supposed to be leading to Rufaro Stadium.



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