Mudenda says police promised to treat Mamombe well because “ndishefu wedu”

Mudenda says police promised to treat Mamombe well because “ndishefu wedu”

Speaker of Parliament Jacob Mudenda yesterday said Harare West legislator who was arrested on Saturday in Nyanga was treated well by the police as they had promised him that they were not going to harass her as she was their “chef”.

“What I wanted was a clean arrest so that if there is any harassment, I even indicated to the officers that they were going to put the Government into a very invidious position in the process of re-engagement,” Mudenda said in response to a plea by Harare East legislator Tendai Biti that members of Parliament must be treated civilly when being arrested.

“We must be civil in our arrest.  This is what I told the officers and as they were leaving, they said, aiwa Hon. Speaker, the Hon. Member ndishefu wedu.  They took her bag from her and carried it themselves,” he said amid laughter from the House.

Below is the full debate

HON. BITI:  Hon. Speaker Sir, I rise on a point of privilege in terms of Standing Order Number 68 (d) of this august House.  My point of privilege relates to the need, duty and obligation of Parliament not only to uphold the Constitution as is demanded in Section 117 of the Constitution but also the need and obligation of Parliament to also protect itself.

Hon. Speaker, I am deeply concerned with the continued arrests of esteemed Members of Parliament.  Only today – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.] –   Hon. Charlton Hwende, the Hon. Member for Kuwadzana was arrested at the Harare International Airport upon his arrival from Namibia… – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.] –  [HON. MLISWA: Imi munoba musinga sungwe!] –  Only on Friday … – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.] –  [HON. MLISWA: Muchiuraya vanhu muchiba!] –

THE HON. SPEAKER:  Order, order! – [HON. MLISWA:  It is those guys at the back there, they must keep quiet.] – Order, order please take your seat.

Hon. Biti resumed his seat.

When an Hon. Member makes a statement, it is only the Chair who must make a ruling… – [AN HON. MEMBER: Not Chinotimba!] – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.] –   Order, order! So I need to hear Hon. Biti clearly so that I can make my ruling accordingly.

Continued next page



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