Mpofu says Chamisa conceded defeat but wanted to be Vice-President

Mpofu says Chamisa conceded defeat but wanted to be Vice-President

Former Home Affairs Minister Obert Mpofu today told the Kgalema Motlanthe Commission looking into the violence of 1 August in which six people were killed that he phoned Movement for Democratic Change leader Nelson Chamisa to calm his supporters who were demonstrating and destroying property in the capital but Chamisa admitted that he had lost the elections and started throwing aspersions about the role of Vice-President.

Mpofu said he told Chamisa that this was not about the vice-presidency but about the demonstrations.

He said he had a recording of the conversation and could hand it over to the commission if they wanted it.

Mpofu said he had recorded the conversation as he always does with “suspicious”characters.

Chamisa told the commission yesterday that Mpofu had indeed called him but he had told him that he had nothing to do with people that were demonstrating.

The MDC leader said the demonstrations were pre-planned and accused the ruling party and the military of conniving to foment chaos and shoot innocent civilians as part of a grand scheme to retain power after losing the presidential race.

Chamisa said he won the presidential vote polling more than 2.6 million votes while Mnangagwa won just over two million.




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