Moyo with Mnangagwa zvekuti wuya uone shaz!

Higher Education Minister and one of the members of the so-called Generation 40, Jonathan Moyo, has put a spanner into the spin that the G40 does not see eye-to-eye with Vice-President Emmerson Mnangagwa.

The G40 is reported to be a group of Young Turks in the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front that is reportedly using First Lady Grace Mugabe to thwart Mnangagwa’s ambitions for the throne and reportedly includes, among others, political commissar Saviour Kasukuwere and Mugabe’s nephew  Patrick Zhuwao who was recently appointed Youth and Indigenisation Minister.

Jonathan Moyo was with Mnangagwa at Victoria Falls where he officially opened a UNESCO engineering conference on Thursday morning, then they were together at Marondera for a ZANU-PF campaign rally that afternoon and in the evening they were in Highfield.

Moyo published pictures of him and Mnangagwa at Victoria Falls and at Marondera where Kasukuwere was also present on his twitter page.

When asked by one of his twitter followers: “Muri kuwirirana here?”

He responded: “Zvekuti wuya uone shaz!”



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